About Eaton Plan

About Eaton Plan

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Android apps designed for musicians by musicians

EatonPlan is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Our design goal is to allow you to realise maximum value from your musical equipment by providing access to features which are almost 'hidden', by making it easy to use difficult-to-access features, and by overlaying  new, unique functionality not found elsewhere.

KatanaMan© has been specifically designed to make it easy to manage your Boss© Katana amplifier from your phone or tablet. The app can access most of the amp's parameters, and provides the responsiveness you require - whether it is for playing at home, or for live, on-stage, performance situations. You can easily access and configure over 30 different effects types, 20 boost effects, and 25 pre-amp models which are otherwise not accessible from the amp hardware on it's own. From creating a suite of patches (presets), to quickly tweaking a setting on stage, KatanaMan has got it covered. 

GT1Man© & GT1BassMan© makes the ever popular GT-1/1B Effects Processor even easier to use - eliminating the button pushing and knob twiddling otherwise required to configure a new tone/patch. In addition, the ability to store an almost unlimited number of patches on your Android device, and quickly load them into the GT-1 removes the constraints of the 99 slot limit. The automatic creation of ordered patch lists combined with EatonPlan's 'fast patch switching' approach, means that you can change between any two GT-1 patch slots (eg patch U1 to patch U99) in less than a second.